
Milwaukee Super Armoury Event Entry


The weekend continues with a Super Armory event. Normally, an Armory Kit is provided to stores to support a full month of in-store events, but at a Super Armory, the full contents of a kit are used for one single event, meaning that multiple players get prizes, instead of just the winner! The prizes for this event include Cold Foil Promos and official Flesh and Blood playmats.

Event Details

Date: March 29, 2025
Format: Blitz
Entry Fee: $20 USD
Eligibility: Open Entry (no invitation required)
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Casual
Venue: Baird Center, 405 W. Kilbourn Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203, United States
Registration: https://www.minmaxgames.com/
Player Cap: 64
Time: 5:00 PM


Place Prizes
1st $100 USD, Coax-a-commotion playmat
2nd $80 USD, Coax-a-commotion playmat
3rd-4th $50 USD, Coax-a-commotion playmat
5th-8th $35 USD, Coax-a-commotion playmat

Armory kit prizes. Exact structure TBA. Legend Story Studios has supplied the Armory Promos for this event. All other prizes are awarded and administered by MinMax Games.

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